Embodiment takes practice.

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Everyone is born with everything they internally need to live in this world as a whole and complete individual. When children become indoctrinated into western culture they are given messages and tools perpetuating body hatred both from their family of origin as well as out in the world. This lineage of body shame and hate runs deeply through the roots of American culture, so deeply that America has deemed fatness an “epidemic” as a means to perpetuate the ultimate lie that we need a plan, a system, and expensive tools to connect deeply with ourselves and to become whole and complete.

Embodiment is a practice of curiosity in the felt space of the body. When we practice coming home to ourselves and our bodies we find deep wisdom hidden within these brilliant vessels. Every person experiences their own embodiment in their own way. It is helpful when starting this practice to be held in presence with another, and that is the work we can do together.

Having a witness and someone to hold space can be helpful, here are some of the tools I use in session:

- Gentle Movement
- Guided Meditation
- Guided Body Sensing
- Mindfulness
- Inner Curiosity / Guided Journaling
If you are tired of distrusting or feeling frustrated with your body, I want to say I see you, and I want to remind you that there is deep support here for you.

Please reach out if you are wanting to see what working together might look like.